haii morning all..
how are you? ? .. hehe: D
Know Indonesian students now must not be separated from a wide variety of conflicts or problems about teenage life today. because students are sometimes as young as 18-21 years, then at the age of these students tend to still searching for their identity, how they can find a mindset that automatically exist in the minds of his mind.
Secondly than the students of today are also not free with the virtual world, such as fuel <FB <TWITTER <Instagram and others. then a student of the need for a wall that is useful to protect themselves from the negative-negative actions.
talk about Islamic students,
that makes me think to make this blog. There are so many Muslim students who do not necessarily understand the rules in Islam. I fear for Muslim students will be easily affected his mind based on what is in his heart.
if I may just experience the story, so I have a friend, he was a law student Unissula Semarang, name Zammi Asdiqul Qoil, he commonly called by the name zammi, in my life, I am very familiar with him. even because I can think what he gunanay life, what is the purpose of our lives, what we should do to our parents. when I have a lot of problems, we often discussed together, we share together, and eventually may nets as well. a teenager certainly not out of the confusion problem, hehe: D hayoo admit it, not really ... first yes papa I never felt my life would I end because only a matter of love, but for some reason I started thinking, if I die, people how old I am, if I die, if I was ready with my current state of charity. nah than that I started sharing with my friends. remember we live it has a lot of problems. if the problem is not your opponent, how can you you will thrive in this life. Never once once you fear of defeat in a problem. but remember if you fall, should take pelajaranya lah, if you are still falling in trying to please come again, but if you give up, ALL WILL BE FINISHED. we live in this, you know we're on watch. "Who is watching us ??":
1. GOD
as the god of our universe
is angels Raqib, and Atid are always oversees and write every action we do,
:D I think that is enough, may be useful for us all :D
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